Friday, May 8, 2009

Response to the responses to my proposal

I didn't receive any responses to my proposal. I wonder if the credit gets counted off because of that. I cant respond to something that isn't there.

Full Content Analysis

Aisha Payne
Content Analysis Paper
English 201
Dominic Micer
March 6, 2009

The year 2000 census for Evansville stated that there were 57,170 males and 64, 412 females living in Evansville. In which the total population of Evansville at that time was 121,582. Out of that 121,582 almost 80 percent (77.27%) of Evansville residence are eighteen and over. This makes the teenage to adult (18-20) population 93,949 (Evansville Census. (2009) Retrieved March 10, 2009 from Vanderbrough County Indiana: General Characteristics from 2000 Census ). Evansville population hasn’t increased since 2000 and they haven’t sent in a new census since then because of the stand still in population increase or decrease, but apparently USI’s demographics for college students has change over the time. Jumping from 2000 to 2007- 2008 the number of college students from Vanderburgh County is 2,858. This makes up 28% of the actual USI population (Facts. (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2009 from University of Southern Indiana: Enrollment Trends:

At the beginning of September I officially moved to Evansville, Indiana to go to school. In which my school of choice was USI. It’s a pretty nice place to live and the people are friendly at times, but of course it would be nicer than Gary anyway because it’s a big city and it contains two major Universities. The air seemed fresher than the air in Gary. I found it really strange that Evansville was one of the top heavily polluted areas in the state of Indiana besides Gary (Stated by teacher). It just never struck me because being in a new area everything seems different than your hometown. Either it is better or its worse, and in this case it seemed better. Some researchers say that the air quality in the state of Indiana is being polluted by casino’s (Indiana Study Reveals High Levels of Air Pollution in Casinos. (2009). Retrieved March 13, 2009 from Make MI Air Smoke free: Secondhand smoke exposure puts casinos at risk: and waterfront factories. Indiana contains 11 casinos and one is in Evansville. This casino is called Aztar.

Aztar is located in downtown Evansville. It was one of the first casinos built in Indiana and is built on the banks of the Ohio River. (Casino Aztar Evansville. (2009) Retrieved March 13, 2009, from Wikipedia: A free encyclopedia: Also Evansville is home to many large manufactures factories like Mead Johnson Nutrition, Bristol- Myer Squibb Biopharmaceuticals, Berry Plastics, and a Toyota Plant. These Factories are the some of the top source of work for Evansville residence.

Mead Johnson was founded in 1905 and originally established in New Jersey by Edward Mead Johnson one of the founding brothers of Johnson and Johnson surgical bandage company. Five years later he introduced the first major infant feeding product in 1910 called Enfamil. Enfamil is a carbohydrate milk modifier Dextri-Maltose. This baby formula became one of the first clinically supported physicians recommended infant feeding product in the United States. In 1925 Edward Mead moved his plant to Evansville during the WWI when they cut off his supply of ingredients used to make his baby formula Enfamil. He felt that by moving his business from New Jersey to Indiana he would have better access to the raw materials needed to make and manufacture his formula. This company employs 5,000 of Evansville and Kentucky residence (Our Company. (1996, 2009). Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Mead Johnson: About Mead Johnson: ).

Bristol-Myers Squibb is a Biopharmaceutical business that has one of its factories based in Evansville. When Bristol –Myers Squibb was first established in 1887 by William Mc Laren Bristol and John Ripley Myers it wasn’t named Bristol-Myers Squibb. It was just Bristol-Myers, Squibb merged with Bristol-Myer in 1989.

Bristol-Myers founded their company by buying out another pharmaceutical manufacturing firm called Clinton Pharmaceuticals. This company was first recognized by a product that was called the poor man’s spa or the Christened Sal Hepatica. The poor man’s spa was a laxative mineral salt. With this product they made mediocre progress in sale. Then sales increased ten times more than the original sales of just the Sal Hepatica, because they were selling a new product called Ipana Toothpaste. This toothpaste was the first toothpaste that contained and disinfectant in is formula. So the need for Sal Hepatica and Ipana Toothpaste boomed making this company and international marketer. For a while Bristol- Myers only sold Sal Hepatica, Ipana, toiletries, antiseptics and cough syrups because of the post war depression. Meaning they no longer was a pharmaceutical company.

Then with the help of Cheplin Laboratories Bristol- Myers became a pharmaceutical company again because of the introduction of acidophilus milk, an semi antibiotic that help restore the health of the digest tract by breaking down or killing yeast that grows uncontrollably in the digestive tract, mouth and vagina. It is also said to be used to help build a better immune system. This team up began a mass production of penicillin products. After teaming up with Cheplin, Bristol-Myers merged with the pure medicine production company ER Squibb and Sons (this company was named after Edward Robinson Squibb and renamed ER Squibb and Sons after he died and passed on the company to them). Squibb’s company was dedicated to bring pure healthy medicine to life. He opened the largest penicillin factory in the world, and was the founder of the pure food and drug act due to his dedication and work with pure medicines. Eventually Squibb sons sold the company to Theodore Wicker and Lowell M Palmer (A Brief History of Bristol-Myers Squibb. (1999-2000). Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Bristol-Myers Squibb: Newsroom:

The name of their pharmaceutical company was officially called Bristol-Myers Squibb. Also in 1991 they finally attained FDA’s approval (A Brief History of Bristol-Myers Squibb. (1999-2000). Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Bristol-Myers Squibb: Newsroom: This company employs 2,500 of Evansville residence (Evansville Economy. (2009). Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Forum:

Berry Plastic was established in the 1960’s. There plant and cooperation was built in the heart of Evansville and is still there. They employ 1,500 of Evansville residence. There isn’t much of a history that I could find on Berry plastics except the materials they sale. They just about anything that they can make out of plastic and sell to companies like McDonalds, Sherman Williams, Burger King, Gillette, Coca Cola, Wal-Mart, Hershey Foods, Proctor and Gamble and many more companies ( Berry Plastics Corporation.(1998). Retrieved March 13, 2009, from Funding Universe: Companies Histories: Toyota is a major manufacture in Evansville that employs 4,600 of Evansville residence (Cameron Huddleston (2008, August).Beast Cities—Honorable Mention, Evansville, Indiana wins in our readers’ choice poll of favorite place to live work and play. Retrieved March 15, 2009, from ). Toyota has been around for a while the history of this company is too broad.

There are more major employers in Evansville but I wanted to use some major manufactures and companies. I used these factories and casino because they may be the main cause of air pollution in Evansville. The gas, chemicals and materials that these companies emit to make and manufacture their products all pose a threat on Evansville air quality and student health.

I noticed as I progressed in school that many of my classmates were suffering from depression, and cancer. Depression is a mental disorder that causes a strong feeling of sadness or the ability to function doing everyday activities. Depression in one of the major cause of suicidal deaths. Depression can be caused by a number of things like heredity, biochemical makeup, psychological makeup, stressful life events, fluctuating hormone levels and many more ailments (Depression: How to Overcome it (2004) Retrieved March15, 2009, from ehealthMD: What is depression:

Cancer is caused by so many things like smoking, sex, the government, radio activity, nuclear waste, family, just breathing outside air. It could by anything. Cancer is when cell in the body grow at an unstable rate (What is Cancer, (2009).Retrieved March 15, 2009, from America Cancer Association: Detailed Guide: Advanced Cancer: It is another cause of death in America. Evansville cancer rate in their residence was the highest out of the whole state of Indiana. In The year 1994 Evansville (Vanderbrough County) cancer percentage rates and deaths was more than twenty percent to every 100,000 people than the whole state of Indiana. The state of Indiana cancer rate and deaths at that time was 141.40 but in Evansville the cancer rates and deaths were 165.40. A couple of years later in 1996 the cancer and deaths rates decreased by thirty percent. The state of Indiana 1996 cancer rates and deaths were 134.74 and Evansville cancer rates and deaths still continue to top the states cancer rates and deaths even when the states cancer rates and deaths declined. Evansville cancer rate and deaths for 1996 were 137.75. Then in 2000 the cancer rate and deaths in Indiana shot up to 213.32 and Evansville cancer rates and deaths shot up to 214.41 (Vanderbrough County , Indiana and United States Cancer Reports 1994-2002. (2003) Retrieved March 14, 2009, from Final Cancer Report 1994- 2002: USI:

It is said that Indiana casinos contains fourteen times more secondhand smoke than the air outside of the casino. That’s why we should fight for a smoke free economy. Also since I noticed that USI students from Evansville are suffering from depression (Just from personal experiences and majority of student that I talk and have gotten to know that are from Evansville who have said that they are suffering from depression). I found it really strange that Bristol-Myers Squibb was a major pharmaceutical company and plant that is based in Evansville that sells products that treat depression. I mean they sell other thing besides depression medication and don’t get me wrong everything that they sale are beneficial to the human race, but I think that these companies are the cause of what is happening to Evansville residents.

Although there are many reasons why people could have depression or cancer these factories could still be the cause of Evansville residents. Yes it is said that depression can be caused if there is many people in one family that all have it one growing child is most likely going to have it too. It is also said that depression is caused by a person’s biochemical makeup where there is an unbalance in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, nor epinephrine and many more. Depression is caused by so many things but why can’t it just be the area that we live in. We have so many factories that emit so many toxins that we breathe in everyday, but no one thinks that, that’s what the cause of these ailments is. I feel that we as in the scientific world should look into this. Then we can somehow prevent depression and eliminate depression related suicides.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

omg I was watching this movie called The Spirit and these things showed up as henchmen what are the odds that we would talk about them in class and I would actually see them on this movie great public literacy huh.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Content Analysis Post 2

After some careful thinking I changed my content analysis topic to how many of Evansville factories may affect the students of USI and Evansville residents by possibly causing depression and ADHD. This content analysis is only an assumption and I hope it can become a theory that many people can look into and make it a proven fact.I pinpointed out some of Evansville major factories and one of Evansville major landmarks that emits heavy pollutants. I received most of my information for my paper from these sites listed below :,_Indiana

Martin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis

From Martin Luther King's "Letters from Birmingham Jail."

In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self- purification; and direct action. We have gone through all of these steps to Birmingham. There can be no gain saying the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community. Birmingham is probably the most segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. Negroes have experienced the grossly unjust treatments in courts. There have been more unsolved bombings of Negro homes and the churches of Birmingham than in any other city in the nation. These are the hard brutal facts of the case. On this basis of these conditions, Negro leaders sought out to negotiate with the city fathers.But the latter consistently refused to engage in good- faith negotiation.

Pathos: Martin Luther King wanted to stress the fact that there was no need to ask for freedom by using violence and that he wanted to negotiate the situation with the city. He stated the Birmingham could probably be the most segregated city in the United States. I agree with what he was saying. It's a southern state and at that time African American citizens had no say to a White man. It was like a white person could do anything to a black man and get away with it but if a black man was to do something to a white person he would end up in jail or killed. Back then it was a major double standard for the two races and I feel that sometimes that is still happening today in modern society. Martin Luther King felt that this act and many others were acts of injustice and it was. He felt that we a should be treated equally and stand on the same mental, physical and possibly emotional level of everyone else.

Ethos: I feel that Martin Luther King used self- purification as a way to motivate everyone to change their minds about segregation. He stated that African Americans have experienced grossly unjust treatment in the courts. I feel that this statement is true too. At that time everything was a double standard. They rather put a black man in jail for something he didn't do that put a white man in jail for a crime that he clearly committed. Shouldn't they feel bad about wrongly prosecuting some one for something they didn't do. Back then a black man wasn't a person. Even though slavery was abolished that's all a white man could see African Americans as. Simply using the words self- purification was just another way to me to say let African Americans be treated equally. We want to think of every race as our brothers and sisters and work together to build a better community.

Logos:Martin Luther King's logical approach was to call out for an negotiation. Regardless whether many people declined his plea he still worked and lived for a change. I think that was what he was trying to explain in his essay. Putting him in jail for a short period of time was not going to stop him in his fight for equality. He wanted the readers of this essay to see what was happening in Birmingham to African Americans. He wanted his readers to see that he didn't want harm to be brought on people. After all the things that white people has done to African Americans they still think of them as individuals so why cant they do the same. At least once a every hour millions of people are still saying the old statement treat people how you want to be treated and I think that is what Martin Luther King is trying to say when he calls out for a negotiation.

Martin Luther King Rhetorical Precis

Martin Luther King in his essay "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" (1963) from The King Center feels that he was placed in jail because he was trying to fight for injustice. King often used similes to show what his hope for fighting for is and who he feels he is compared to when he put his self in this particular situation, As he states he feels like Paul he must constantly respond to the Macedonians aid; stating that he wants to help his people and his his people are calling out for his help. His purpose of this letter was to explain why he was in Birmingham and what he was fighting for and why. With this letter and more he will always be known as one of the founders of the civil rights movement.

Content Analysis Post 1

For my content analysis I chose the topic of Evansville power outages. I picked this topic because at the time due to a snow storm all over Evansville and Kentucky there was a major power outage that caused the school to be closed for almost a week. This to me seemed fine because we was out of school but we had no lights, heat and internet connection, because USI's campus apartments are electric powered. Then the city of Evansville and state of Kentucky called for a level two national guard state of emergency so that we could clear the roads to let Vectren (our electric company) fix this problem before it gets too out of hand.

To do this paper our teacher had us go online and find out some things about Evansville and our topics that we want to write about through newspaper articles from our local paper. Then we had to fill out an worksheet that could hep us in typing this content analysis paper.

My dominant issue was that the severe weather changes was affecting the electricity in Evansville causing the school to shut down and leaving the USI residents without light and heat.

My evidence was that I had first hand experience with what was going on at that time because I was living on campus and it was in the Courier Press.

The dominant groups that would be included in this paper would be vectren Evansville #1 electric company that is ran on coal. My evidence came from the Courier Press

I feel that the dominant values of Evansville is to conserve energy and lessen the amount of coal they burn to produce our electricity. I need to look up more about vectren and Evansville. This is just a basic idea of what Evansville value by reading a few articles from the Courier Press about vectren and Evansville. I feel that this whole state of emergency call showed how much we take our electric service for granted.

I think that we needed to enforce the law more at that point in time, because many of Evansville residents were told to stay off the roads unless it was needed so that vectren can fix the electricity. Many people didn't follow these directions and that is why it took so long to repair the electricity.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear Mr. Micer,
I would like for the topic of my Public Sphere to be about the higher quality of fathers than mothers in a child’s life or growth and development. I know that every growing child needs both parents but in today’s society it is rarely an option. Majority of the United States children are raised in single parent homes. I for one am one of them. If I had a choice of which parent would have raised me better I would say my father. It is a proven fact that majority of single parent home are ran by mothers than fathers.

In 2005 single parent families statistic shows that eighty four percent of custodial parents are mothers while there is only sixteen percent of custodial parents that are fathers. Single parent families are caused by many factors in a mother/ father or spousal relationship, but to narrow it down statistic show that both single parent mothers and fathers were divorced, never married, re-married and widowed. The statistics for single parent fathers are significantly lower than single parent mothers. With this fact it shows that most fathers don’t take care of their responsibilities. This sends out a bad message for the male population that actually does take care of their children by themselves. The single parent family statistics have grown dramatically over the years.

With this project I want to promote and describe the roles that fathers play in a child’s growth and development. Including all the bad parts that may affect the child in its understanding years. I don’t really want to promote a dual parent family because I for one don’t know the quality of having two parents in my life. So I think that I would use what I know best and also have firsthand experience with. Some psychologists say that a father’s role in a child’s life is to introduce knowledge, promote formation of socially useful purposes and ideals, vocational guidance and more. They base this off of the way society perceives fathers as role models in a child’s life, but they also help in a child’s emotional development, mental development, and physical development.

I feel that a father plays a key role in enforcing valuable qualities in a child, which inevitably prepares the child for life on their own. I don’t think that society gives single parent fathers the credit that they deserve. So with this public sphere topic I want to promote what we as in society, children, mother, and whoever else don’t give credit to, and that would be our fathers. I think that this topic will hit hard because possibly half of USI students actually can relate to what I am trying to promote. I feel that we need our fathers more than we need our mothers. Not to be biased but I don’t think that mothers have the same qualities as a father figure, because there are so many thing that a child can learn from only their father.

Sincerely Yours,
Aisha Payne


Letter To the Editor

Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
I feel that we don’t give single parent fathers the credit that they deserve. Also I find that with some suggestions from my teacher that we rarely find homeless shelters for single parent homeless fathers. Some statistics show that most single parent fathers are well off than single parent mothers for the simple fact that they are men, but that’s not always the case and it does happen to the best of men. But never the less they are still active parents in a child’s life. I want to give credit and promote homeless shelters for single parent fathers that are actually homeless.

Sincerely Yours,
Aisha Payne

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I really have no idea of what to write about I feel like none of my stories have an underlying meaning or a meaning that’s so easy to point out. I’m not much of a political writer or a writer that can easily write about themselves. I don’t like to write about myself or past just because it’s the past. I mean I have some good memories but that's all they will be is memories. I think I’m more of a creative writer than anything. I took this class to try to expand my augmentative writing skills because that’s one of the skills I plan on using the most in the profession I am seeking. But I guess I could just write about something and try to get something meaningful out of it. I realized this after I had graduated from high school and still is trying to make the transition into college.
When I first got here I was very excited. I would be living on my own making new friends. Basically taking care of myself, I could do anything I wanted to do. Stay out late go to bed when I want to drink everything I couldn’t do when I was at home. Back home I basically went to school seven days a week and Sunday school wasn’t one of my priorities. I competed in a lot of competitions just to get here so I really don’t mind the fact that I went to school that much. Sometimes I kind of regret it though. Me going to school seven days a week meant no job, not learning how to drive, and no friends unless they was at school with me on Saturday and Sunday. The only fun I had was the science fair. It took me a lot of places that I probably would have never been just to go.
Today the actions I made in the past are benefiting me greatly. I’m one of the first of my mother’s children to make it out of high school and into college and one of the first of my father’s children to stay in college. Only thing I regret is not having an outside life. Like now since I have no work experience it’s hard for me to find a job even trying to get one on campus is a hassle. Also since I never learned how to drive that makes it even harder to find a job. Right now is a critical time. I’m in college money is scarce and my father can’t provide for me the way he should. I don’t blame him though. I know that if anything should happen my father would take care of it. So I should step up to the plate and start taking care of myself but I can’t because I stayed in school too long to understand things outside of school.
Sometimes I feel that I should have quit going to school for a while so that I could learn how to do things on my own instead of calling my father to do. I used to hate him for that. He never let me go outside and he chose all of my friends. Guess that’s the benefit of beings sheltered. Now I understand that being sheltered could get a person in a lot of trouble. And that person was me. I rebelled like any other teenager. I got tired of doing everything I was supposed to do and not get rewarded for it so I rewarded myself. I went where I wanted to go, did what I wanted to do, got money and clothes how I wanted. So that eventually landed me into more trouble. I defiantly couldn’t do anything then.My understanding of my situation changed when my father lost our house and his job. Then I knew that I shouldn’t be bringing so much hardship to my father because we were in really deep. So this motivated me to work harder and stay in school and stay a respectful child that I should have been.I feel like that particular situation helped me grow up a lot. Instead of depending on my father I told him to depend on me. I would do anything to keep a roof over our head. I turned into an adult at the age of sixteen so I think I got what I ws asking for all along. At first I didn’t like it but I'm okay with it now. I like responsibility it lets me know I can do anything. I like to be assure of myself. I think that my assurance is what I learned from this story. I want to make sure I am capable and when I’m not I make myself capable.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Political Compass Analysis

Well today I worked on a political compass quiz to see where I stand politically. The compass is made up of four parts like a graph with four quadrants. In they call the first and second quadrants the left and right Authoritarian, the third and fourth quadrants are called the left and right Libertarian. The Authoritarian is considered to be fascism, and the left side is considered to be communism. Whereas the right side is considered to be non liberalism. Also the Libertarian is considered to be anarchism. So, on that economic scale I am more of a left Libertarian than the others. So I’m all about communism and anarchism. I really don’t think I am. I never saw myself as a communist or anarchist and niether do I see myself as a liberalist. I answerd the questions to my undestanding mentally. I don’t feel that this test was inaccurate or accurate because it was just a survey that is is based on the makers opinion. So I rally didn’t mind . I think it was something to do to see where I stand politically in other peoples eyes. I’m really not that much into politics anyways. So the overall project would be hard for me to understand.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rhetorical Presic Of other Bloggers

Aj West in her blog "Poetry Articles and Completed Works", writes
poems about life issues from what seems to be a woman's point of view;
She writes about adolescence, adultery, love, marriage, motherhood,
relationships, sex, substance abuse , old age, wisdom, etc in a
creative and some might say art insightful way. I chose this blog
because I enjoy poetry, I felt like I could relate to her blog because
poetry is my most inner thoughts that I decided to type or write, I
don't really share it with the public, but its something we have in
common; only thing that set me and her apart is that we she is a
seasoned writer and she makes a living off of her work. I think she's
happy with her occupation because she published mostly all of her work,
just to see that people enjoy her writing maybe good enough for her.
Although some of her poems to me are hard to understand I liked them,
she really can call her work art.

Amy,in her blog As a Star, describes her life as a married college
student and a young mother, so far she just talked about what she did
everyday or what made her angry or happy, I wouldn't say that her page
entertained me much because I felt that she didn't talk about her
thoughts on interesting topics she just talked about herself more than
anything. I mean dint get me wrong I would like to get to know her but
not really in the way she is displaying. The most intriguing part of
her blog is her about me section labeled Star; she basically described
me as in her interest, it just seemed funny how we liked to do some of
the same things. Her page was nice in a sense of coloring it could have
been more eye catching but
it was nice.

Gretchen Cawthon, in her blog "Girls Cant What?" created a blog to
somewhat change the stereotype that women can't do certain things just
because they are women. Gretchen stated that her page is for women who
are pursuing their dreams in fields that are normally dominated by
men;in her blog women come up with a series of things that were brought
to their attention of what a woman cant do. So she came up with product
that spread her ideas around so that she can inspire women that they
can do anything, she mad t-shirt, pins, mugs, hat etc anything that she
could think of.She was inspired by all the times people told her that
she couldn't do something, for example she go into a car crash and the
doctor told her she would never walk again she was determined to prove
him and everyone else who believed him wrong, that is why she invented
this blog so that young girls could feel that they can do anything with

Girls cant What? Analysis

I chose to respond to "Girls Cant What?" by Gretchen Cawthon.
Gretchen sees herself as a can do female. Meaning that she can do any
thing with perseverance and determination. When I read her about me
section it just set the tone of what type of person she really is. When
she talked about how she got into that car crash and the doctors said
that she would never walk again and now she's walking, I think that,
that's what motivated her the most to make this blog.
It's like the saying "If she can do it anyone can", If she can have
that much motivation that she could teach herself how to walk again or
at the fact that she was faced with a series of " you can't do that
because your a girl", she had to be determined, and sometimes with
determination comes stubbornness,but that was good for her in the
situation that she was in.
On her web blog she has her logos pasted all over to signify what
her page is and a symbolic quote that can add to more motivation for
some young girl when she is told that she can't do what her heart
desires because she's a girl. Gretchen chose the color purple I think ,
because its a calm royal color that can mean just about anything.Her
site appeals to young girls in particular because she wants to
encourage young girls and women that they aren't inferior to a man or
boy.Its already bad enough that we don't get to make the same amount of
money that a man does when we can clearly do just as much as they can
and possibly more.
In this modern day image changes everyday and women are
unknowingly beginning to perceive their selves different from what they
could be. Why be a model when you have the brains to be a lawyer or
doctor. Young girls are becoming more ignorant to all the possibilities
that they can explore. They know that they can become anything but they
aren't taking the initiative to do it. It feels good to know that you
are equal so why don't we put ourselves on the pedestal right where men
are. Of course our bodies aren't built to strong like men but we are
and we're just as smart as them. So why are we beneath them. With this
type of motivation that is being displayed young girls can actually
step up to the plate and put all of those who told them no to shame.
On her blog page she asks that girls should post what someone said
that they couldn't do and challenge it. I think this is good for all
young females because it gives them something interesting to do all the
while they learn and build character. She should go around different
states and present this motivational idea to young females who want to
better themselves.It's so much that a young girl can learn that can
prevent them from making all types of mistakes. If only they had the
motivation to do what was said that they couldn't do they would be
better off.