Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dear Mr. Micer,
I would like for the topic of my Public Sphere to be about the higher quality of fathers than mothers in a child’s life or growth and development. I know that every growing child needs both parents but in today’s society it is rarely an option. Majority of the United States children are raised in single parent homes. I for one am one of them. If I had a choice of which parent would have raised me better I would say my father. It is a proven fact that majority of single parent home are ran by mothers than fathers.

In 2005 single parent families statistic shows that eighty four percent of custodial parents are mothers while there is only sixteen percent of custodial parents that are fathers. Single parent families are caused by many factors in a mother/ father or spousal relationship, but to narrow it down statistic show that both single parent mothers and fathers were divorced, never married, re-married and widowed. The statistics for single parent fathers are significantly lower than single parent mothers. With this fact it shows that most fathers don’t take care of their responsibilities. This sends out a bad message for the male population that actually does take care of their children by themselves. The single parent family statistics have grown dramatically over the years.

With this project I want to promote and describe the roles that fathers play in a child’s growth and development. Including all the bad parts that may affect the child in its understanding years. I don’t really want to promote a dual parent family because I for one don’t know the quality of having two parents in my life. So I think that I would use what I know best and also have firsthand experience with. Some psychologists say that a father’s role in a child’s life is to introduce knowledge, promote formation of socially useful purposes and ideals, vocational guidance and more. They base this off of the way society perceives fathers as role models in a child’s life, but they also help in a child’s emotional development, mental development, and physical development.

I feel that a father plays a key role in enforcing valuable qualities in a child, which inevitably prepares the child for life on their own. I don’t think that society gives single parent fathers the credit that they deserve. So with this public sphere topic I want to promote what we as in society, children, mother, and whoever else don’t give credit to, and that would be our fathers. I think that this topic will hit hard because possibly half of USI students actually can relate to what I am trying to promote. I feel that we need our fathers more than we need our mothers. Not to be biased but I don’t think that mothers have the same qualities as a father figure, because there are so many thing that a child can learn from only their father.

Sincerely Yours,
Aisha Payne

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