Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rhetorical Presic Of other Bloggers

Aj West in her blog "Poetry Articles and Completed Works", writes
poems about life issues from what seems to be a woman's point of view;
She writes about adolescence, adultery, love, marriage, motherhood,
relationships, sex, substance abuse , old age, wisdom, etc in a
creative and some might say art insightful way. I chose this blog
because I enjoy poetry, I felt like I could relate to her blog because
poetry is my most inner thoughts that I decided to type or write, I
don't really share it with the public, but its something we have in
common; only thing that set me and her apart is that we she is a
seasoned writer and she makes a living off of her work. I think she's
happy with her occupation because she published mostly all of her work,
just to see that people enjoy her writing maybe good enough for her.
Although some of her poems to me are hard to understand I liked them,
she really can call her work art.

Amy,in her blog As a Star, describes her life as a married college
student and a young mother, so far she just talked about what she did
everyday or what made her angry or happy, I wouldn't say that her page
entertained me much because I felt that she didn't talk about her
thoughts on interesting topics she just talked about herself more than
anything. I mean dint get me wrong I would like to get to know her but
not really in the way she is displaying. The most intriguing part of
her blog is her about me section labeled Star; she basically described
me as in her interest, it just seemed funny how we liked to do some of
the same things. Her page was nice in a sense of coloring it could have
been more eye catching but
it was nice.

Gretchen Cawthon, in her blog "Girls Cant What?" created a blog to
somewhat change the stereotype that women can't do certain things just
because they are women. Gretchen stated that her page is for women who
are pursuing their dreams in fields that are normally dominated by
men;in her blog women come up with a series of things that were brought
to their attention of what a woman cant do. So she came up with product
that spread her ideas around so that she can inspire women that they
can do anything, she mad t-shirt, pins, mugs, hat etc anything that she
could think of.She was inspired by all the times people told her that
she couldn't do something, for example she go into a car crash and the
doctor told her she would never walk again she was determined to prove
him and everyone else who believed him wrong, that is why she invented
this blog so that young girls could feel that they can do anything with

Girls cant What? Analysis

I chose to respond to "Girls Cant What?" by Gretchen Cawthon.
Gretchen sees herself as a can do female. Meaning that she can do any
thing with perseverance and determination. When I read her about me
section it just set the tone of what type of person she really is. When
she talked about how she got into that car crash and the doctors said
that she would never walk again and now she's walking, I think that,
that's what motivated her the most to make this blog.
It's like the saying "If she can do it anyone can", If she can have
that much motivation that she could teach herself how to walk again or
at the fact that she was faced with a series of " you can't do that
because your a girl", she had to be determined, and sometimes with
determination comes stubbornness,but that was good for her in the
situation that she was in.
On her web blog she has her logos pasted all over to signify what
her page is and a symbolic quote that can add to more motivation for
some young girl when she is told that she can't do what her heart
desires because she's a girl. Gretchen chose the color purple I think ,
because its a calm royal color that can mean just about anything.Her
site appeals to young girls in particular because she wants to
encourage young girls and women that they aren't inferior to a man or
boy.Its already bad enough that we don't get to make the same amount of
money that a man does when we can clearly do just as much as they can
and possibly more.
In this modern day image changes everyday and women are
unknowingly beginning to perceive their selves different from what they
could be. Why be a model when you have the brains to be a lawyer or
doctor. Young girls are becoming more ignorant to all the possibilities
that they can explore. They know that they can become anything but they
aren't taking the initiative to do it. It feels good to know that you
are equal so why don't we put ourselves on the pedestal right where men
are. Of course our bodies aren't built to strong like men but we are
and we're just as smart as them. So why are we beneath them. With this
type of motivation that is being displayed young girls can actually
step up to the plate and put all of those who told them no to shame.
On her blog page she asks that girls should post what someone said
that they couldn't do and challenge it. I think this is good for all
young females because it gives them something interesting to do all the
while they learn and build character. She should go around different
states and present this motivational idea to young females who want to
better themselves.It's so much that a young girl can learn that can
prevent them from making all types of mistakes. If only they had the
motivation to do what was said that they couldn't do they would be
better off.